This is where everything starts
You can manage your homework much faster.
And never ends
Just say the words, “Do my homework,” and start improving your grades.

You can manage your homework much faster.
Just say the words, “Do my homework,” and start improving your grades.
The mention of homework creates mixed feelings among students and parents. The practice has raised several debates and controversies with those for and against raising valid points. Proponents argue that the home task is the best way to reinforce what students learned in the classroom. According to them, homework improves academic achievement and make students smarter. However, opponents hold contrary views. To them, homework stresses out student, and reduce productivity. Let’s settle the debate now with the pros and cons of homework.
Continuous practice of skill creates perfection, and this is the same as classroom learning. Most students find it unamusing to solve a particular question repeatedly. Nonetheless, such practice reinforces discipline and makes it easier to remember. Homework works in the same way. After class, a teacher would want students to continue learning; hence, assigns them homework. Solving these questions creates a better understanding of the topic. Also, doing this repeatedly every night promotes discipline in time management.
“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” Children learn from playing and exploring the environment. Their interaction with other kids and family is invaluable to their development. Assignments, especially traditional homework, limit a child's ability to play and engage in other social activities. This is because they may “reluctantly” choose to do their homework than to play.
Some homework requires the help of higher brains, like older siblings, parents, or writing experts from In the absence of an older sibling, a parent directly gets involved in a child’s education by helping them to solve their questions.
Some parents are uneducated or may have limited knowledge of homework a child brings home. In this situation, a parent may feel embarrassed and helpless when unable to help in assignments.
Some valuable life skills like self-discipline, time management, working independently, and submitting work on schedule, are subtly gained through homework. As students burn the night candles to work on assignments, it imbibes in them some of the above life skills
Homework can be very stressful and result in health conditions like sleeplessness, headache, and stomach problems. In recent research, over half of respondents admitted that homework had had a toll on their life. If homework can create such conditions, then what’s the need?
Homework can cut screen time by about half. Averagely, students in the US can spend about 3 to 4 hours on the screen each day. Homework, therefore, comes in to distrust them from spending an entire evening watching television, playing a game, or fidgeting with their phones.
Lastly, spending long hours sitting to do homework can result in a sedentary lifestyle, which has health implications. Conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, migraines, depression, and colon cancer can result from living a sedentary lifestyle.