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Is homework a waste of time?

Determining when and when not to give homework is one of the most significant challenges of most educators. The situation has caused disagreements between schools and parents, while students continue to be under pressure and stress. But can we say statistics homework is a waste of time, based on its negative aspects? 

Challenges of homework

According to research by Stanford Graduate School of Education sampling views of 4,300 students, more than 56% mentioned homework as the primary source of stress. That aside many also reported symptoms like sleep deprivation, weight loss, and anxiety. 

Owning to the threats homework possesses to students’ health, some schools have dropped homework at the elementary level. This is more like "throwing the baby out with the bathwater," an approach, which can be detrimental to children’s development. 

The growing debate about the merits and otherwise of homework has put many countries to work. The education sectors of many countries are now coming up with homegrown solutions that suit their country. One of the approaches some are considering is giving personalized assignments. With this method, teachers will assess the strength of each student and assign him or her a particular task. 

Which Type of Homework is a Waste of time?

Homework comes in different forms, and that determines whether it is a waste of time or not.

Traditional homework

The traditional type of homework is the general and most prevalent type of work, mostly assigned students. With this type, all the students are given one particular assignment without considering the performance or ability of each student. Meaning, it puts all students on the same level. This is a lazy approach to assigning homework, and it has little or no effect on individual students. It, however, put stress on most of the kids. We can term  this type of homework as a waste of time.

Personalized homework

With personalized assignments, educators assess the strength and weaknesses of each child and assign them particular tasks. For effective results, teachers can collaborate with parents during which the type of assignments can be analyzed, determined, and parents asked to assist their kids. It enables parents to contribute directly to the studies and development of their wards. Personalized homework help to develop skills, talent, and brings the creative instinct of children to light.

Alternative education systems

Some countries have homegrown methods that suit their situation. A country like Finland has almost no homework policy. Nonetheless, the country has one of the best educational systems in the world and brilliant students. The country also has a plan that prevents students from starting school until they are seven years. They also have a shorter school period. With all, they still perform very well globally. It suggests that when schools deliver the best of tuition, there wouldn’t be a need to assign students’ homework. 


 The discussion above is enough proof that homework can be a waste of time if it does not address the need of students. The best practice must always be one that improves a student’s achievement and natural abilities.